
Showing posts from March, 2017

Recap 2016

2016 was not a good year for me. Well, maybe there are some great things happened, but still. 2016 was hell ok. It's not that bad, but... nope. Okay jom cerita from lepas aku SPM, around awal December I guess? Apa jadi? Oh masa ni aku mereput. Ni juga masa aku jadi emotional teenager yang mogok tak nak keluar bilik (I don't know sebab apa aku emo sangat). Masa ni aku literally hate everyone in my family. Aku tak berinteraksi dengan family aku bla bla bla sampai mak aku cakap aku macam tak wujud dalam family. January - February Kakak aku ajak aku lepak UM. Aku rasa dia actually nak nasihat aku??? Sebab mak aku dah file-kan seratus juta complain dekat abang aku pasal aku, and they actually buat group whatsapp without me (consist of abang, angah, alang & kakak aku) (macam cb kan) HAHAHAHAHA. It's like dalam tu semua matured enough bla bla bla, sebenarnya aku curi bukak hp kakak aku and saw that group chat. So aku macam "why not kita ten...

Appreciation Post

Oh hello there! It's already march 2017! Look at how fast time flies! Aku cadang nak buat post ni last month but I was reaaaaally busy (alasan). Nope, actually I kept procrastinated. That's why! Actually those who know me well, they know how I ego I am. Bukanla ego, but how to say huh? Aku ni macam... not good at expressing myself? Like some people yang memang jenis will say "thank you sayang kau" or "I love you so much you don't know how much I appreciated you". Nope aku bukan macam tu. Instead of saying it depan depan, aku lagi prefer bagi surat or message etc. Kalau dengan kawan tu dah satu, kalau dengan family apatah lagi. Boleh kira dengan jari lah berapa kali aku cakap "love you mak" or "love you kakak", nope. Ke aku tak pernah cakap pun??? Okay so post kalini khas untuk kakak aku. Aku tak rasa dia baca pun, sebab... dia tak tau pun blog aku? Tapi I'll just leave this post here kut maybe one day, she'll ...