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It's 2018, I'm turning 20 this year. Isn't it weeeeird?

Aku still tak boleh terima yang aku dah 20 tahun. It's like you're already an adult but turning 20 you turn more adult (if it make sense) Tapi kau faham kan maksud aku?

These few days aku cam duduk diam-diam and suddenly realise yang aku dah 20. I'm oLD doh.

Dulu aku selalu bayang, bila Misha masuk sekolah menengah masa tu aku dah 20 tahun dan aku dekat Universiti, and it's happening right now!! Tambah bila tengok Misha pakai kain biru cair instead of kain biru pekat. It's really happening doh.... Though masa tu aku tak terfikir pun yang aku akan ambik law, dekat Universiti ISLAM Antarabangsa Malaysia. Isn't it funny when something you joked about really did happened :')

So, anyways it's 2018!!!

What's new? Nothing new. Meh.

Oh cuma this year aku celebrate last day of 2017 doing nothing kat Uni :') Sambut New Year pun duduk mendugong je because I'm at Uni, surviving. I mean, finals uGH

But other than that, life has been good. I guess?

So, back to 2018. Resolution tahun ni? Nope.

But I just hope that this year gonna be a lot better, maybe meet more great people, create more memories. To be honest, I just want to be happy. That's all.



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